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在文化类综艺节目或形式陈旧,或“叫好不叫座”的行业困局下,四川卫视进行积极探索,创办了一档诗歌文化类综艺节目《诗歌之王》。节目自开播以来,观众好评不断,显示出了巨大的收视潜力。一、复兴中国诗歌传统的影视探索中国的诗歌传统源远流长,从最早的诗歌文本《诗经》开始,几千年来,中国人的精神生活与诗歌息息相关。诗歌是历代中国人表达情感和思想的主要艺术形式。唐宋时期,中国的诗歌艺术发展到顶峰,成为世界文学艺术宝库中的重要成员。进入民国以来,随着西方诗歌翻译本的进入,中国传统诗歌在这种新兴的诗歌模式面前,显得有些不合潮流,中国诗人为了与西方诗歌“接 In the cultural variety show or old-fashioned, or ”applauding “ industry dilemma, Sichuan Satellite TV to actively explore, founded a file of poetry and cultural variety show ”King of Poetry.“ Since the program began broadcasting, the audience praised, showing a huge viewing potential. I. Revisiting the Traditional Film and TV in the Revival of Chinese Poetry The tradition of Chinese poetry has a long history. Starting from the earliest poetry ”The Book of Songs," for thousands of years, the spiritual life of Chinese people is closely related to poetry. Poetry is the main art form of expressing feelings and thoughts of Chinese people in previous generations. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the development of Chinese poetry reached its peak and became an important member of the treasure house of world literature and art. Since entering the Republic of China, with the entering of the translation of western poetry, the traditional Chinese poetry appears to be somewhat out of order in this emerging mode of poetry. In order to connect with Chinese poetry