IDC认为世界范围内的服务器销售在连续上升了几个季度后,于2006年第一季度降低为119亿,降低了1.9%。该研究机构说这期间出货量由2005年第一季度的170万单位上升到200万。研究对手Gartner使用不同方法统计服务器销售,认为2006年第一季度服务器收益123.5亿美元,而2005年第一季度为123.4亿美元。然而,Cartner说第一季度服务器运量比2005年第一季度增加了13.7%。IDC分析师Matt Eastiwood说服务器市场的预示了IT业支出形态的转变。HP和IBM位居首位,服务器收益分别占28.1%和27.9%。Dell占11 .1%,居第三位。Sun微系统的年收益增长了5.8%,市场份额由2005年第一季度的10%增加到10.8%。IDC分析师Steve Josselyn说Sun的U1traSpare基于T1的多核心机器和基于Opteron的x64 Galaxy服务器“开始和消费者产生共鸣。”容量服务器依然是销售冠军,销售量与去年同期相比增加了6.3%。
IDC saw worldwide server sales drop by 1.9% in the first quarter of 2006 to 11.9 billion after several consecutive quarters of sales. The research institute said shipments during the period rose to 1.7 million units from 1.7 million units in the first quarter of 2005. Research rival Gartner used different methods of statistics server sales, that the first quarter of 2006 server revenue 12.35 billion US dollars, compared with 12.34 billion US dollars in the first quarter of 2005. However, Cartner said server shipments in the first quarter were up 13.7% from the first quarter of 2005. IDC analyst Matt Eastiwood said the server market signals a shift in IT spending patterns. HP and IBM topped the list with server revenue accounting for 28.1% and 27.9% respectively. Dell accounted for 11.1%, ranking third. Sun Microsystems annual revenue increased 5.8%, the market share from 10% in the first quarter of 2005 increased to 10.8%. IDC analyst Steve Josselyn said Sun’s U1traSpare T1-based multi-core machines and Opteron-based x64 Galaxy servers “started resonating with consumers.” Capacity servers remained the No. 1 sales win with sales up 6.3x over the same period last year %.