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  A new law taking effect Sunday could require you to pay an extra fee whenever you use your credit card. KSWB has the details.
  “The new law comes after a settlement between retailers, Visa, MasterCard, and nine major banks. Right now stores pay credit card companies up to 3% each time they swipe your card.”
  So this new law allows but does not require, stores to pass that cost onto the you—the customer. It’s being called a “check-out fee” and could 1)amount to up to 4% of your purchase. But, not everyone will have to worry about the fee.
  Ten states prohibit credit card surcharges—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oklahoma, and Texas.
  You also don’t need to worry if you’re paying by debit card, American Express, or Discover card.
  The president of the Retailers Association of Massachusetts told the Boston Herald—even if you don’t find yourself excluded from the list of those who won’t see the fee, not every store will be 2)implementing it.
  “He doesn’t expect stores or restaurants to start surcharging...for a fear of alienating price-sensitive customers. Rather, he expects service providers with‘captive’ customers—hospitals, doctors’ offices and airlines—to 3)impose the fees.”
  But if you do find yourself having to pay an extra fee, the director of consumer education at credit.com gave ABC News some advice. She said:
  “‘Always have a backup method of payment…Have a debit card, or slip extra $20 in your wallet.’You can also let the merchant know you object to the new charge. ‘If enough consumers complain, a merchant will fear losing business and won’t choose to pass the charge along.’”
  By law, merchants intending to pass the cost along will have to post notices at check out informing consumers of the extra charge. Online merchants will have to post a similar notice to their home page.

又到了我们的音乐时间,来放松放松~~男歌手女歌手,这期终于来了一个组合。名为Little Big Town的这个乡村音乐组合是由女主唱Karen Fairchild、女合音Kimberly Roads、男吉他手Jimi Westbrook和男鼓手Phillip Sweet组成,成立于1998年。这支老牌乡村组合可谓十年磨一剑,在出道十年后以单曲《Pontoon》首次登顶乡村榜冠军。发行于2012年
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小编第一次看到这本书是在某网页上推荐的一单程序员必读书中,当时心中暗自排列了下“程序员”、“禅”、“摩托车”这样奇怪的组合,后来发现创业者们也要读这本书,篮球教练也爱这本书,霍金还因为《时间简史》能和此书相比较而感到备受恭维,至此小编觉得真的有必要来了解一下这本哲学小说以及作者的故事。  1928年,罗伯特·M·波西格(Robert M. Pirsig)出生于美国明尼苏达州,天资卓越的他15岁便进