一、令人担心的倾向 学生优秀作文的评价标准是什么?概而言之:内容好,形式好。但我们看目前一些《优秀作文选》和散见于报刊的学生优秀作文,有一种强烈的感觉:“优秀”的概念在相当多的教师和学生脑海里,只剩下“形式好”一项标准,内容被忽略或者被淡化了。其突出表现便是材料的失真:人是虚的,事是假的,观点是强加的,感情是浮泛的。一句话,失去了生活的真实。
First, worrying tendency What is the evaluation standard for students’ excellent composition? In summary: good content and good form. However, looking at some of the current “Excellent Composition Selections” and the outstanding composition of students scattered in the press, there is a strong feeling that the concept of “excellent” is left in the minds of quite a number of teachers and students, leaving only a standard of “good form”. Content is ignored or diluted. Its outstanding performance is the distortion of materials: people are imaginary, things are false, opinions are imposed, and feelings are superficial. In a word, the truth of life is lost.