Platelets in liver disease, cancer and regeneration

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaihoujian
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Although viral hepatitis treatments have evolved over the years, the resultant liver cirrhosis still does not completely heal. Platelets contain proteins required for hemostasis, as well as many growth factors required for organ development, tissue regeneration and repair. Thrombocytopenia, which is frequently observed in patients with chronic liver disease(CLD) and cirrhosis, can manifest from decreased thrombopoietin production and accelerated platelet destruction caused by hypersplenism; however, the relationship between thrombocytopenia and hepatic pathogenesis, as well as the role of platelets in CLD, is poorly understood. In this paper, experimental evidence of platelets improving liver fibrosis and accelerating liver regeneration is summarized and addressed based on studies conducted in our laboratory and current progress reports from other investigators. In addition, we describe our current perspective based on the results of these studies. Platelets improve liver fibrosis by inactivating hepatic stellate cells, which decreases collagen production. The regenerative effect of platelets in the liver involves a direct effect on hepatocytes, a cooperative effect with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, and a collaborative effect with Kupffer cells. Based on these observations, we ascertained the direct effect of platelet transfusion on improving several indicators of liver function in patients with CLD and liver cirrhosis. However, unlike the results of our previous clinical study, the smaller incremental changes in liver function in patients with CLD who received eltrombopag for 6 mo were due to patient selection from a heterogeneous population. We highlight the current knowledge concerning the role of platelets in CLD and cancer and anticipate a novel application of platelet-based clinical therapies to treat liver disease. Although viral hepatitis treatments have evolved over the years, the resultant liver cirrhosis still does not completely heal. Platelets contain proteins required for hemostasis, as well as many growth factors required for organ development, tissue regeneration and repair. Thrombocytopenia, which is frequently observed in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) and cirrhosis, can manifest from decreased thrombopoietin production and accelerated platelet destruction caused by hypersplenism; however, the relationship between thrombocytopenia and hepatic pathogenesis, as well as the role of platelets in CLD, is poorly understood. In this paper, experimental evidence of platelets improving liver fibrosis and accelerating liver regeneration is summarized and addressed based on studies conducted in our laboratory and current progress reports reports from other investigators. improve liver fibrosis by i The regenerative effect of platelets in the liver involves a direct effect on hepatocytes, a cooperative effect with liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, and a collaborative effect with Kupffer cells. Based on these observations, we ascertained the direct effect of platelet transfusion on improving several indicators of liver function in patients with CLD and liver cirrhosis. However, unlike the results of patients who had CLD and liver cirrhosis. We highlight the current knowledge concerning the role of platelets in CLD and cancer and anticipate a novel application of platelet-based clinical therapies to treat liver disease.
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