Comparison of BBFs Observed by Single and Multi Satellites

来源 :空间科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangclio
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This paper,using the data of three Cluster satellites,compares the observations of Bursty Bulk Flow (BBF) by single satellite with those by multi satellites.The results indicate that there exists remarkable difference between observations of BBF by single satellite and multi satellites.The observations of BBF by a single satellite depend on its position relative to the flow channel.The difference is caused by the localization characteristics of fast flows in the plasma sheet,and can lead to diverging views about substorm and causal relations among substorm phenomena. This paper, using the data of three Cluster satellites, compares the observations of Bursty Bulk Flow (BBF) by single satellite with those by multi satellites. The results that there exists exists remarkable difference between observations of BBF by single satellite and multi satellites. observations of BBF by a single satellite depend on its position relative to the flow channel. The difference is caused by the localization characteristics of fast flows in the plasma sheet, and can lead to diverging views about substorm and causal relations among substorm phenomena.
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