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6月21日,四川省纪念廖志高同志诞辰100周年座谈会在成都举行。廖志高同志是四川冕宁人,1934年4月加入中国共产党,随中央红军参加长征。先后任四川工委副书记、川东特委书记,西康省政府主席、军区政委,四川省委第三、第一书记,福建省委第一书记、省革委会主任、福州军区政委、省政协主席等职。廖志高是中国共产党的优秀党员、久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士。他的一生,是革命的一生,光辉的一生,为共产主义理想不懈奋斗的一生,为党和人民无私奉献的一生,四川人民和福建人民永远怀念他。6月22日,《四川日报》在头版头条的位置报道座谈会消息,并在3版以近半个版的篇幅刊登中共四川省委党史研究室的文章《深切缅怀廖志高同志》。座谈会上,四川省委书记、省人大常委会主任王东明发表讲话,对廖志高的一生作出崇高的评价,廖志高同志亲属、生前同事及下级游德馨、陈南园、廖晓村等发言。现将游德馨同志在座谈会上的发言刊登如下,以表达福建人民对老省委书记的怀念与崇敬。 On June 21, a symposium was held in Chengdu on the 100th anniversary of Comrade Liao Zhigao in Sichuan Province. Comrade Liao Zhi Gao is a native of Mianning, Sichuan Province. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in April 1934 and participated in the Long March with the Central Red Army. Successively served as deputy secretary of Sichuan Work Committee, secretary of the Commission of Sichuan Province, chairman of the Xikang provincial government, political commissar of the Sichuan Military Region, third secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Committee, director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee, Fuzhou military commissar, CPPCC chairman and other staff. Liao Zhigao is an outstanding communist soldier who has been a tested and loyal Communist Party member. His life is a revolution in his life, a glorious life, his unremitting struggle for the ideal of communism, a lifetime devoted to the party and the people, and the people of Sichuan and Fujian forever remember him. On June 22, “Sichuan Daily” covered news of the symposium at the front page of the forum and published an article entitled “Deep Remembrance of Comrade Liao Zhigao” in the edition of the Party History Research Office of the CPC Sichuan Provincial Committee in the third edition with a length of half a page. At the symposium, Wang Dongming, secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and director of the Provincial People’s Congress, made a speech in which he made a lofty evaluation of Liao’s life, and his relatives, relatives and relatives of former Liao Zhigao and his entourage, De Xinxin, Chen Nanyuan and Liao Xiaocun made speeches. Now, Comrade De Xin Xin’s speech at the forum is published as follows to express the people’s memory and reverence for the old provincial Party committee secretary.
在对说谎者进行心理检测时,原本都要依照面部表情与身体语言来判断,如今则又多了一项新选择:只要观看被测试者手写字体,就可测出其是否说谎——当书写谎言时,书写者的力道会比较重,字体也会跟着改变。  以色列海法大學的心理学家对34名志愿者进行测试,要求志愿者使用无线电子笔,分别以真实记忆及虚构事件写下2小段文字后进行分析。结果表明,编造谎言时,书写者力道较重,笔画及字体都较长较重。心理学家表示,人在说谎