一、把提高学生审题水平始终放在首位,理由是——成亦审题,败亦审题 多年高考实践启示我们:审题是写作的门褴,通过审题可以检查出作者的思维走向和思维能力。而当前学生在审题上主要存在哪些问题呢?一、眼光狭窄,想不到更广的范围;二、认识肤浅,想不到更深的内涵;三、理解错误,想不到命题者的意图。例如,1994年高考作文题目《尝试》,按题意写作内容的重点应放在写自己对事物的
First, to improve the level of student questioning is always the first place on the grounds that - Cheng also examine questions, defeat also examine questions The practice of many years of college entrance examination enlighten us: Examination is the threshold of writing, through the examination of the author can check out the way of thinking and thinking ability. What are the major problems that students currently face in the examination? First, they have narrow visions and can’t think of a wider scope. Second, they have superficial knowledge and can’t think of deeper connotations. Third, they understand mistakes and can’t think of the intentions of the propositioners. For example, in the 1994 college entrance examination essay title “Try”, the focus of writing content according to the question should be on writing about yourself.