秋冬季节,又到了野鼠进出的日子。尽管在我国鼠疫已基本控制,但鼠害带给人们的另一种严重传染病——“流行性出血热”(简称出血热),近年却有增无减。我国发病人数居世界首位,涉及全国26个省、市、自治区,每年发病 5万至 8万人,死亡数千人,病死率为5%左右,是损害我国人民健康最严重的疾病之一,我们必须提高警惕,加强防治。
Autumn and winter, went to the wild rats out of the day. Although plague has been basically controlled in our country, another serious infectious disease brought by rodent pests - “epidemic hemorrhagic fever” (referred to as hemorrhagic fever) has been increasing in recent years. The number of cases in China ranks first in the world and involves 26 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country. Each year 50,000 to 80,000 people die, thousands of deaths and a case fatality rate of 5%. It is one of the most damaging diseases to our people, We must heighten our vigilance and strengthen prevention and control.