布兰登·詹宁斯的身上从来不缺乏谈资。在场上,他的胯下运球和体前变向让人想起阿伦·艾弗森,千拔跳投又有些达蒙·斯塔德迈尔的味道;在场下,他换发型的速度和马里昂的三分出手一样快,随便放个Lady Gaga的段子就能闻歌起舞,搔首弄姿。他有点嚣张有点自负,时不时又甩给你个德怀特·霍华德式的可爱笑脸,那股子骚而不闷的劲儿隔着电脑屏幕就能电晕你。他是一个踩着80后尾巴、身披加州万
Brandon Jennings’s body never lack of funding. On the court, his crotch dribble and front body shift reminiscent of Allen Iverson, Thousands of Throw jumpers and some Damon Stoudemire taste; presence, he changed the hair speed and the horse Lyon’s third shot as fast, just put a paragraph of Lady Gaga can sang songs, scratching their heads. He was a little arrogant and a little arrogant, from time to time you dumped to you a Dwight Howard-style cute smile, that share Sao and not stuffy smile across the computer screen will be able to corona you. He is a stepping 80 tail, wearing a California million