根据新墨西哥州的洛斯·阿拉莫斯科学实验室的科学家们报道,现有一种新的廉价的诊断装置,能比熟知的巴氏涂片化验法快 5倍并且更为精确地检查癌和其它的疾病。该实验室的生物物理和仪器实验小组在波士顿的美国光学协会的十月会议上报道了
According to scientists at Los Alamos Science Laboratory in New Mexico, there is a new, inexpensive diagnostic device that can detect cancer and other diseases more than five times faster than the well-known Pap smear assay . The lab’s biophysical and instrumentation team reported at the October meeting of the American Optical Society in Boston