螽斯属直翅目昆虫 ,多取食禾本科植物的茎叶 ,为害苹果果实的现象尚属少见 ,在国内的有关资料中也鲜有报道。笔者曾于 6月下旬在灵宝市苏村乡宋峪村一个 3公顷的果园内 ,发现螽斯啃食苹果果实现象严重。该果园地处海拔 80 0米的山区 ,于 1 993年建园 ,多为矮化树。园内杂草丛生
螽 Si is an Orthoptera insects, eat more stems and leaves of gramineous plants, the phenomenon of apple fruit damage is still rare, the domestic data rarely reported. In late June, I discovered in a 3-hectare orchard in Songyu Village, Sucun Township, Lingbao City, and found that the grazing of apples by 螽s was serious. The orchard is located in a mountainous area of 800 meters above sea level, built in 1993, mostly dwarf trees. Overgrown garden