患儿,为孪生姐妹,足月产第一胎,生后40天就诊。家族史:父母非血族婚姻,身体健康,婚后1年足月正常分娩。妊娠期间无接触 X线、使用药物及高热病史。检查:患儿1.体重3公斤,身长48cm。全身皮下脂肪发育良好,无黄疸。耳、鼻、口腔均正常。心肺未见异常,肝脾无肿大。四肢脊柱未见畸形,外阴部正常,肛门无异常。眼部:两眼紧闭,两侧上、下眼睑均高度内翻,眼窝触诊有柔软陷落感。睑裂横径右8mm.左8mm,纵径仅能拉开4mm,可探入5mm,有少许分泌物,可见淡红色结膜,无眼球。睑睫毛正常,双侧泪小点存
Children, twin sisters, full-term birth of the first child, 40 days after treatment. Family history: parents non-kin marriages, good health, 1 year after marriage, normal delivery. No contact with X-ray during pregnancy, use of medicines and history of high fever. Check: Children 1. Weight 3 kg, length 48cm. Body subcutaneous fat well-developed, no jaundice. Ear, nose, mouth are normal. No abnormal heart and lung, liver and spleen without swelling. Limb spine no abnormalities, normal vulva, anus without exception. Eye: Two eyes closed, on both sides of the lower eyelid are highly varus, orbital palpation soft fall sense. Palpebral fissure transverse diameter of the right 8mm. Left 8mm, longitudinal diameter can only be opened 4mm, can penetrate 5mm, a little secretions, visible pink conjunctiva, no eyeball. Eyelid normal, double-sided punctatus save