湖南省绥宁县为健全村民代表议事会,针对当前一些村民代表议事会有名无实的问题,采取了以下四条措施: 1.把健全村民议事会列入乡镇干部工作岗位责任制,年终进行考评。 2.各乡镇对各村民代表议事会普遍进行一次检查,发现问题,及时纠正。 3.由于村民代表议事会可以代行村民大会职权,所以必须坚持由广大村民民主选举产生,所选代表要具有代表性、先进性,并要有一定参政议政的能力。
Suining County, Hunan Province, to improve the village council for the meeting, for some of the current villagers representative council will be no problem, has taken the following four measures: 1. To improve the village council will be included in the township cadre job responsibility system, the year-end assessment. 2. Each township and village committee shall conduct a general inspection over the representatives of the villagers’ councils to find out the problems and correct them promptly. 3. Since the village council can act on behalf of the villagers’ assembly, it must adhere to the democratic election of the broad masses of villagers. The representatives chosen should be representative and advanced, and must have the ability to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs.