一九三○年十二月三十日,硝烟杂着浓雾弥漫龙冈千嶂,群峰昏暗,激烈的枪声、爆炸声和喊杀声响彻云霄,我工农红军第一次反“围剿”的战斗终于打响了。这是毛泽东等同志指挥红军主力与敌周旋一月,由赣江流域中、南段地区诱其深入根据地腹地,又曾两次设伏小布、计划先打图由源头来犯之敌谭道源师不果后,在龙冈进行的对敌张辉瓒师的歼灭战。 为什么我军在敌步步逼进下迟迟不实行战略反攻?为什么设伏小布不成,宁退让而不攻击谭道源师?为什么能够在龙冈打上歼灭战?其原因归结到一点,乃在于慎重初
On December 30, 1930, the smoke mixed with the thick fog filled the Dragon Qamon, the peaks were dark, the fierce gunshots, the explosions and the sobbing sound came to the sky. The First Red Army against Agriculture, Peasants and Workers opposed “encirclement and suppression” The battle finally started. This is the comrade Mao Zedong and other commanders of the Red Army to deal with the main enemy in January. The central and southern parts of the Ganjiang River area have also lured the hinterland into which they are deeply rooted. After the fruit, the enemy Zhang Hui 瓒 division’s annihilation in Longgang. Why did our military retaliate against the strategic counter-offensive at the footsteps of the enemy step by step? Why is it not possible to set up a small cloth? Instead, it will retaliate instead of attacking Tan Daoyuan’s teacher. Why can the war be annihilated in Longgang?