目的研究平阳县不同职业家庭的儿童幽门螺杆菌(HP)感染的流行病学情况,以探讨不同经济状况下家庭HP人群的分布对儿童Hp感染的影响。方法746名就读于平阳县中心与郊区学校的学生,男379名,女367名,年龄7~l4岁。问卷调查每位学生的居住环境、常住人口、父母职业和受教育程度、家庭的经济收入,有无消化道症状及慢性胃炎、溃疡病史等,同时采用14 C-尿素呼气试验检测有无幽门螺杆菌感染。结果无症状儿童HP感染率为40.62%,男女生HP感染率比较差异无统计学意义,工人和农民家庭的儿童有较高的HP感染率,生活在父母感染HP家庭中的儿童更容易感染HP。结论经济水平较低的家庭中,儿童HP感染率高,HP感染有家庭聚集现象。
Objective To study the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection in children of different occupations in Pingyang County in order to investigate the influence of distribution of HP population in families with different economic conditions on Hp infection in children. Methods 746 students enrolled in schools in central and suburban Pingyang County, 379 males and 367 females, aged 7 to 14 years old. Questionnaire survey each student’s living environment, resident population, parents’ occupation and education level, the family’s economic income, with or without gastrointestinal symptoms and chronic gastritis, history of ulcer, etc., while using 14 C-urea breath test with or without pylorus Helicobacter infection. Results The prevalence of HP infection in asymptomatic children was 40.62%. There was no significant difference in the HP infection rates among boys and girls, and the HP infection rates among workers and peasant families were higher. Children living in parents with HP were more likely to be infected with HP . Conclusion Among the economically disadvantaged families, the prevalence of HP infection is high in children and HP is associated with family aggregation.