一语文教学界对于“语感”曾经有过一段沸沸扬扬的大讨论。但是 ,当时由于理论准备和实践经验的不足 ,并没有能够得出比较全面和一致的看法。这给人们留下了不少遗憾 ,也给我们开辟出继续研究和实践的广阔空间。在众说纷纭的“语感”定义中 ,我们以为还是下述定义具有执一驭万
There has been a heated discussion in the language teaching community about “linguistic feelings.” However, due to the lack of theoretical preparation and practical experience, it was unable to draw a more comprehensive and consistent view. This left a lot of regret for people and gave us ample room to continue research and practice. In the definition of “linguistic sensation,” we think that the following definition still has one million.