羊角钮铜编钟是我国南方的一种古老而又极富于地方特色的民族乐器之一。因其钮形似羊角,而且所发现者绝大多数都相配成套,故名羊角钮铜编钟。 1972年7月,广西壮族自治区西林县普驮粮站在开辟晒场时,发现一座以铜鼓作为葬具的“二次葬”古墓,在出土的近五百件文物中,有两件形制特殊的铜钟。钟的造型古朴典雅、别具一格,与我国中原地区所发现的古代铜钟有着很大的不同。通过对墓葬所
The claw button copper bells is one of the ancient national musical instruments in our country which is very rich in local features. Because of its button-shaped claw, and discovered that most of them are matching sets, so the name of the crook button copper bells. In 1972 July, Xilin County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Pledge station opened up drying yard, found a copper drum as a burial mound “second burial” in the unearthed nearly 500 artifacts, there are two special shape Copper bell. The shape of the clock is simple and elegant, unique style, and the Central Plains region found ancient bronze bell is very different. Pass to the burial place