Human hair samples were collected from various areas and analyzed for multi-element contents. Acorrelation analysis was made to determine the relation between trace element contents in human hairs and theincidence of Kaschin-Beck disease. It has been shown that selenium deficiency in the environment is one ofthe important factors causing the disease. The same conclusion has been reached from both epidemiologicalinvestigation and geochemical study. The other possible factors are also discussed in the present paper.
Human hair samples were collected from various areas and analyzed for multi-element contents. Acorrelation analysis was made to determine the relation between trace element contents in human hairs and theincidence of Kaschin-Beck disease. It has been shown that selenium deficiency in the environment is one of the important factors causing the disease. The same conclusion has been reached from both epidemiological investigation and geochemical study. The other possible factors are also discussed in the present paper.