县域经济是国民经济的重要组成部分 ,是衔接城乡文明、沟通城市和农村的重要纽带。发展县域经济对促进社会政治稳定、发展社会生产力、提高人民生活水平具有十分重要的作用。近些年 ,新疆的县域经济有一定的发展 ,经济规模和经济总量实现了良好的增长 ,经济结构有了较大的调整。但必须看到 ,新疆县域经济发展面临的形势依然严峻。如何解决现存问题和困难 ,推动新疆县域经济的健康发展 ,需要我们加以深入研究和探讨。
County economy is an important part of the national economy, is an important link between urban and rural civilization, communication between cities and rural areas. The development of county economy plays an important role in promoting social and political stability, developing social productive forces and improving people’s living standard. In recent years, the county economy in Xinjiang has made some progress. The economic scale and total economy have achieved a good growth and the economic structure has been greatly adjusted. However, we must realize that the situation faced by the county economy in Xinjiang is still grim. How to solve existing problems and difficulties and promote the healthy development of county economy in Xinjiang requires further study and discussion.