3月20日上午,湖南省华容县人武部大院内热闹非凡。200多名三封寺镇复兴村村民敲锣打鼓,找到在这里合署办公的县委、县政府,请求为他们的好支书徐绍炎记功。 徐绍炎是三封寺镇武装部长,咋又成了村支书呢? 说起他当支书还有一段经历。去年年初,镇党委在研究谁兼任该镇复兴村党支部书记时犯了难。谁都知道,复兴村是全县出了名的“牛角村”。经济条件差,各种关系复杂,干群关系不和。近几
On the morning of March 20, the Huabong County People’s Armed Forces compound in Hunan Province was bustling. More than 200 villagers in Fuxing Village, Sanfansi Temple Town, pounded gongs and drums to find the county party committee and county government where they worked together and requested Xu Shao-yan, who was their good secretary, to remember their achievements. Xu Shaoyan is the three militarists in the temple town, ye have become a village party secretary? Speaking of his party branch there is a period of experience. At the beginning of last year, the town party committee made a difficult time studying who served as party secretary of Fuxing Village in the town. Everyone knows that Fuxing Village is famous throughout the county “horn village.” Poor economic conditions, complex relationships, and discord between cadres and masses. Recent