In the context of a weak global macroeconomic environment, output is no longer a necessary condition for profitability. Under marginal cost method, profit is directly related to sales volume, but has nothing to do with output. This means that, no matter how much oil is produced, it can not make any profit if it can not be sold. At present, the global refining capacity is 96 million barrels / day. The 800 refineries under construction with a total investment of more than 550 billion U.S. dollars will increase the global refining capacity to 110 million barrels per day by 2020, when the refiners will swallow capacity Excess bitter fruit. As for the oil enterprises in our country, the downstream plate is not only suffering from over-capacity, but also the layout is relatively decentralized. The inefficient and backward production capacity is obviously large, the added value of the products is not high, the installation efficiency is low, structural adjustment and resistance to transformation and upgrading Large, market competition disorder and a series of issues. Whether these problems can be effectively resolved is the key to whether China’s oil refining industry can achieve sustainable development.