中国巨富究竟有多少? 如果以20亿美元作为标准,资产超过此数的人算“超级富翁”,那么1993年世界超级富翁人数达101位,他们拥有总资产4550亿美元,人均拥有资产45亿美元。其中,美国超级富翁人数最多,总拥有资产1140亿美元,占总额25%。 在全世界101位超级富翁中,若论个人的财富,文莱苏丹当首屈一指。这位登基已26年的国王拥有的私人财富达370亿美元,其财富原以石油收入为主,眼下其国外投资的收益已占了主要部分。在美国,超级富翁的个人收是惊人的,以美国市政公债年利率5.6%计算,20亿美元一天的利息就是30多万。文莱、沙特阿拉伯、科威特、阿联酋等石油输出国的超级富翁共拥有773亿美元的财富,占总额的17.3%,仅次于美国,位居第二。近代工业文明发祥
If there are more than 2 billion U.S. dollars in assets, the number of super-rich in the world will reach 101 in 1993. They have total assets of 455 billion U.S. dollars and assets per capita 45 One hundred million U.S. dollars. Among them, the United States has the largest number of super-rich people and a total assets of 114 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 25% of the total. Of the 101 super-rich in the world, Brunei Sudan is second to none in terms of personal wealth. The 26-year-old king owned 37 billion U.S. dollars of private wealth. Its wealth was mainly oil revenues, which now account for the bulk of its foreign investment. In the United States, the personal incomes of the super-rich are staggering. At the rate of 5.6% per annum of U.S. municipal bonds, the interest of 2 billion U.S. dollars a day is more than 300,000. Super rich in oil-exporting countries such as Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE have a total of 77.3 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 17.3% of the total, second only to the United States. Modern industrial civilization flourished