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  Cam: Hey Lady! What do you think you’re doing? You just 1)rammed my baby with your SUV!
  Cheryl: Your baby? You have a baby on board?
  Cam: No. My baby is my Pontiac. But I do have some witnesses who saw the whole thing, and they’ll back up what happened.
  Cheryl: But I didn’t do anything, and I actually do have a young child in the car with me, who is late for a doctor’s appointment. So, if you don’t mind…
  Cam: ①If you think you’re getting away with this, you’re sorely mistaken. Look at my 2)fender! It’s hanging by a thread. And now my neck is starting to seize up. I probably have 3)whiplash because of your reckless driving.
  Cheryl: I’m not the one who’s reckless, you are! You cut me off, with your beat-up hunk of junk. ②I did all I could do to avoid you, and I barely even tapped you, if at all.
  Cam: Ow, my neck. Hey fellas! Call Dr. Quackenbush, and a tow-truck and the best lawyer in town right away!
  Cheryl: Hold on now. This is ridiculous. If I hit you so hard, why was there no damage to my car. Not even a scratch. It doesn’t make sense.
  Cam: No. what doesn’t make sense is how you ever managed to get a license in the first place. Who’d you have to 4)snuggle up with to get that?
  Cheryl: How dare you! I’m gonna take pictures of the whole area, as proof that you were the 5)negligent party, because I know I’m not at fault. I have a perfect driving record and full points on my license. But I’d love to see how 6)squeaky clean your record is. I bet you’ve got a handful of 7)DUIs to go with attempted fraud and 8)extortion. Cam: You think you know me lady? ③You don’t know jack. I served my time. And now you’re gonna have to pay the piper, or else…
  Cheryl: Oh, don’t worry. I know the old “broken vase 9)tactic,” blaming me for damage that was already done. So not only am I cataloging the whole scene of the accident, I also just recorded you threatening me. I’m sure the judge will love to hear about some money-grubbing jerk threatening a single mother on her way to the doctor. Let me just phone the police now and tell them the whole story…
  Cam: You think you’re so tough, huh? You better hope we never meet again.
  Cheryl: Or what? If you think you can just take advantage of innocent people like this, then you’ve got another thing coming. I’m on to you and your gang over there. You won’t get away with this…

  Smart Sentences
  ① If you think you’re getting away with this, you’re sorely mistaken. 如果你想侥幸逃脱,那你就大错特错了。
  get away with sth.: avoid blame, punishment, or criticism for doing sth. bad(逃避责任)。例如:
  It’s very hard to cheat on the NMET and get away with it.想在高考英语测试中作弊并侥幸逃脱是很难的。
  ② I did all I could do to avoid you, and I barely even tapped you, if at all. 我竭尽所能避开你,就算真有碰擦,也是相当轻微。
  if at all: if sth. did happen; used to express doubt that sth. really happened, or existed(如果真的有,就算真的有;用以表达对某事发生或存在的真实性的怀疑)。例如:
  In this house, Karen is constantly busy and Bill barely does any housework, if at all.
  ③ You don’t know jack. I served my time. And now you’re gonna have to pay the piper, or else… 你什么都不知道。我坐过牢,现在你要自食其果了,要不然……
  you don’t know jack: you don’t know anything(你什么都不知道)。例如:
  You are trying to hook up Adam and Jill? You really don’t know jack. They’ve already been together for five weeks!
  serve time: spend a certain amount of time in jail(坐牢,服刑)。例如:
  He was serving time for a series of burglaries.
  pay the piper: face the consequence of one’s action(为自己行为承担后果,自食其果)。例如:
  If you don’t listen to what I say and start preparing now, you will certainly have to pay the piper.

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1 1月1 1日光棍节,源于这天日期里有四个阿拉伯数字“1”,形似四根光棍,而光棍在中文里有单身的意思,所以这变成了一个另类的节日。光棍节起源于校园文化,逐渐成为一种流传于年轻人间的娱乐性节日。近些年来,一些电商利用这一噱头大打促销折扣的旗号,取得了不俗的销售业绩,因而,“双十一”也赋予了网络购物新的生命力。无论是光棍节,还是网络购物节,在“双十一”这天,都一起狂欢起来吧!  我喜欢庆祝我的单身生
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