How to Cultivate Junior Students’ Studying Habits Dazhou City Senior High School

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  Abstract:English is the world language, more and more people are learning and using it.How to learn it?Everyone has their own methods. But I think English learners should have good studying habits.So in English teaching,teachers should pay more attention to students’ studying habits.After having good studying habits,students would learn English with more ease and interest.This paper presents some ways to learn English。
  Keywords:English learning;English teaching;ways to learn;studying habits
  It is showed that the students who have good studying habits can think, understand and digest some questions consciously.They can also get ready for new lessons with the question they can’t understand.In English classes,these students can think in English actively,understand and memorize target language easily.They respond what the teacher says carefully in class and try to answer any questions that the teacher asks.They take active part in team activities and speak,think and ask boldly.So they do well in English and learn it well easily.On the contrary,the students who always keep silent and feel shy while speaking lose many chances of learning English. They don’t ask any questions in class Usually, after learning English for a few months, students should know what to learn about English and how to learn English,however, many students have no idea.So I think it’s necessary for teachers to cultivate students studying habits.
  一、Make Plans to Study
  If we want to learn well, first we need to make an effective plan to guide our study so that we can arrange our time reasonably.
  二、Study New Lessons Before teachers Start Them
  Pre-studying is the basis of learning new lessons and getting good grades.When we are going to learn a new unit,we need to study the new words,dialogues,texts,the language goals,grammar focus before the teacher starts it.If we didn’t do well while pre-studying,we wouldn’t know what to pay more attention to while listening to the teacher.On the contrary,if we pre-studying the new lessons,things would be better.Not only can we train our ability of teaching ourselves,the ability of thinking questions alone,but also we can stimulate our interest of learning English and learner autonomy.In addition,pre-studying helps students find what they don’t understand as soon as possible,so that they can listen to the teacher carefully in class with the questions they don’t understand.After learning to how to learn English,they shouldn’t only pre-study new words or texts,they should know how to choose reference books to help them with their study.   三、Listen to the Teacher Carefully in Class
  Students should get ready for the class before the teacher comes into the classroom.Class is a very important place and also it is the main place for students to understand and master knowledge.In class, students should listen to the teacher carefully and try to respond what the teacher says and take active part in pair work or group work.Teachers should let their students try their best to use their hearts,eyes,mouths and hands in class and memorize what they say as soon as possible.Class is a key link to master knowledge.Students should concentrate on their study in class.
  四、Take Notes While Studying
  Taking notes is called “Necessary Pain” By Samuel Johnson (the last great enlightener in the later eighteenth century).It means taking notes is painful but necessary,because notes are permanent records.When students review what they have learned,they need to open the notebooks to read the notes.Notes also help overcome the limitations of students’mind.
  五、Review What You Have Learned in Time
  Nowadays teachers face many teaching problems.First of all is how teachers instruct students to memorize materials as much as they could.It is not only the demand for English teaching but for the all-round development of students themselves as well Reviewing in time after class can deepen and strengthen our memory and understanding on new lessons,so that we can use the new knowledge flexibly.So scientific and efficient learning can’t lack of this link.
  六、Practice Again and Again
  We learn a language by using it again and again,not by being taught.The ability of communication depends on how much you communicate with others.Teachers should encourage their own students to catch every chance to practice their spoken English and improve their speaking skills.Only is the language used over and over,it can be mastered.Because“Practice makes perfect.”
  七、Learn to Use Dictionaries
  For each language learner,dictionaries are very useful studying tools.They are students’good friends and good teachers. We should make good use of them.
  English Teaching is a complicated process which needs interactivity and negotiation between the teacher and the students.In a word,good English learners are self-aware,inquisitive,tolerant of differences between their own tongue and English,self-critical,realistic,willing to experiment,actively involved,organized.There is nothing to stop interested,dedicated and conscientious teachers taking control of their own work and live.What is needed is mutual encouragement,solidarity,and practical organization.
以人为本,推动信息技术与教育教学的深度融合。推进教育信息化,信息技术是手段,发展教育是目的,关键是融合创新,促进传统教育于信息化教育的优势互补,信息技术与学科深度融合已经是一个趋势,希沃一体机设备操作使用推动了信息技术在学科教学中的应用。  一、希沃交互白板工具助力课堂  希沃白板5是一款由希沃(seewo)自主研发的针对信息化教学需求设计的互动式多媒体教学平台。其以多媒体交互白板工具为应用核心,
摘要:在课程改革地指引下,数学文化逐步影响着每一个学习数学的人。它不仅有利于小学生感受数学之美,增加学习兴趣,提高数学能力,还能开阔视野、提高人文素养。父母是孩子的第一任老师,在孩子的整个教育中扮演着至关重要的角色,显而易见家庭教育对学生的成长至关重要,是教育的重要根基。  关键词:数学文化数学素养家庭教育数学故事数学活动  现行的小学教科书主要通过“你知道吗?”、“生活中的数学”、“数学好玩”、
我们在进行“物理实验教学”的过程中,就教学方式和学习方式进行了一些力所能及的实验与研究。从教学实际出发帮助学生进行合作探究式学习和体验式学习,培养科学的学习习惯,提高学习效果,全面高效地完成教育教学任务,重点提高学生的创新素质与科技创新能力。  一、确定适于开展体验专题的实验  根据不同的教学情景和新课标对能力与技能的具体要求,恰当地选择不同的探究性实验作为教学内容,设置不同的探究实验教学组合方式
一、影响小升初英语教育衔接问题的因素  (1)学生适应能力对英语教育衔接的影响。离开小学相对漫长又熟悉的学习环境和生活环境进入初中阶段的学习,很多学生会本能地产生排斥感和陌生感,这都需要一段时间的熟悉和适应。同时初中阶段课程数目激增,不再像小学时二、三门课为主。虽然七年级英语以复习小学话题为主,但词汇量增加,容量加大,对于还在适应阶段的学生来说有一定压力。此外初中教师和小学教师授课模式完全不同,更
毕业于美国加州大学的张文亮教授写了一首诗《牵一只蜗牛去散步》,我第一次读这首诗,就由衷地喜欢。这首诗将孩子比作蜗牛,将父母和教师比作牵蜗牛散步的人。在领略了沿途风光之后,牵蜗牛的人终于恍然大悟,道出了那句——“莫非我错了,原来上帝是叫蜗牛牵我去散步。”  这首诗就像是一束亮光,点亮了我的思维。它透过那薄薄的玻璃窗,将光芒洒落在我心扉之上。作为教师我们应该用爱心走进那年幼的心灵,用耐心去浇灌那梦想之
摘要:高中化学课程是科学教育的重要组成部分,它对提高学生的科学素养、促进学生全面发展具有重要的作用,且为化学教师创造性地进行教学与研究提供了新的“平台”。《课程标准》指出:在高中化学教学中,教师要转变教学观念,经常反思自己的教学活动,针对教学中遇到的实际问题开展教学研究。笔者结合教学实践认为,高中化学教师可从以下几个方面进行教学反思,以提高教学质量,促进学生科学素养和综合能力的养成。  关键字:高
乍看文题,的确是会让人费解的。其实不然,题目中的“引诱”含有引导、诱发、激励、鞭策的意思,而“上当”则有祈使学生愿意并积极付之行动的意图。总而言之,“引诱”是教学手段,“上当”则是教育目的。  大凡小学生由于好奇心强而易于受“引诱”,由于天真幼稚而难免会“上当”。尚且,小学生由于生活阅历少而缺乏判断“是”与“非”的能力。因此,教师在教学中只要善于“引诱”,学生就很容易“上当”,并且奋发图强、积极向