Chapter III of the Outline of the National Medium and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020) contains a chapter on pre-school education, of which Article 7 specifically states that it is necessary to “focus on the development of rural preschool education.” Several Opinions of the State Council on the Current Development of Preschool Education (Guo Fa [2010] No. 41) pointed out: All localities should regard the development of pre-school education as an important part of building a new socialist countryside in an effort to expand rural preschool education resources. This issue will focus on the development of pre-school education in rural areas. This issue starts with an introduction of this article. We hope that friends who are interested in studying pre-school education in rural areas will actively contribute articles. We hope that friends from early childhood education in rural areas will put forward your difficulties, demands, We will do our best to help you.