食管癌确诊时间的早晚,对治疗效果的优劣关系极大,倘能在早期确诊,经手术切除后5年生存率在90%以上。所谓早期食管癌系指原位癌(上皮内癌),即仅侵入粘膜下层,但未累及肌层,又无淋巴结转移者。早期食管癌由于病变范围小,症状轻微,往往不为患者所觉察,也易为医生所忽视。但如提高对本病的警惕,深入询问病史并结合各种特殊检查,早期诊断还是可以达到的。食管癌的早期诊断,主要依靠: 症状虽然进行性吞咽困难、咽下时疼痛、呕吐、消瘦等症状甚少在早期出现,但不少早期食管癌患者,可以有下述症状:(1)在进食干性食物(如干馍、烙饼、蒸红薯、煮鸡蛋黄等)时,或吃饭急促、咀嚼不细时有梗噎感,自觉食物通过缓慢,似停
The sooner or later time for the diagnosis of esophageal cancer has a great influence on the therapeutic effect. If it can be diagnosed early, the 5-year survival rate after surgical resection is above 90%. The so-called early esophageal cancer refers to carcinoma in situ (intraepithelial carcinoma), ie it invades only the submucosa but does not involve the muscularis and no lymph node metastasis. Early esophageal cancer has a small range of symptoms and mild symptoms. It is often not perceived by patients and is easily overlooked by doctors. However, early diagnosis can still be achieved by increasing the vigilance of the disease, inquiring about the medical history and combining various special examinations. The early diagnosis of esophageal cancer mainly depends on: Symptoms Although progressive dysphagia, pain during swallowing, vomiting, weight loss and other symptoms are rarely seen in the early stages, many patients with early esophageal cancer may have the following symptoms: (1) When eating dry foods (such as dried cockles, pancakes, steamed sweet potatoes, boiled egg yolks, etc.), or when there is a short meal or when the chewing is not fine, there is a sensation of stenosis. The food passes slowly and seems to stop.