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  Commercial and Standby Letters of Credit
  By Gao Xiang, Vice President, Qinhuangdao Intermediate People‘s Court; Distinguished Fellow, Tim Fisher Centre for Global Trade and Finance, Bond University, Australia
  The letter of credit can functionally be defined as an instrument, issued by an issuer for the account of the applicant to the beneficiary, promising that it will honor a draft or a demand for payment made by the latter provided that terms and conditions specified in the credit are complied with.
  Letters of credit can be categorized in many ways. Different types of letters of credit may operate differently. However, modern letters of credit can be divided into two basic forms according to their distinctive function and usage: commercial letters of credit and standby letters of credit.
  Commercial letters of credit are a traditional form of letter of credit created as a payment and financing mechanism for international sales of goods. A prototypal commercial letter of credit operates as follows. Assume a seller in New York wishes to sell some machinery to a buyer in Shanghai. The seller and the buyer, however, may not know each other and each is concerned over the other‘s financial strength and reliability. The seller is worried that, after it has gone to the expense of shipping the goods, the buyer may become insolvent or refuse to pay for the goods upon arrival. If the buyer does not pay, the seller may have to go to great expense to sue the buyer in Shanghai, an unfamiliar foreign jurisdiction, and incur further expense in disposing of the goods in an unfamiliar territory. Similarly, the buyer has no reason to trust the seller‘s solvency and reliability and is concerned that it may not get the goods contracted if it pays in advance or even worse, that the financial collapse of the seller will leave it without both the money and the goods.
  When variables such as distance, language, currency, culture and foreign laws are taken into consideration, a merchant‘s lack of confidence may be understood. In order to assuage each other‘s legitimate fears, the parties may agree to a compromise and arrange their transaction by way of a letter of credit. Under such an arrangement, the buyer agrees to go to a third party, normally a bank, and apply for a letter of credit in favor of the seller. When the bank accepts its application and issues a letter of credit, it agrees to assume the direct and independent obligation to honor the seller‘s draft presented under the letter of credit provided that complying documents specified in the credit are tendered.
  This example illustrates that a typical commercial letter of credit transaction involves three parties and three transactions.1 The three parties are: (1) the buyer, known as the "applicant", the "account party" or the "customer"; (2) the seller, known as the "beneficiary"; and (3) the bank, known as the "issuer", the "issuing bank" or "opening bank". The three transactions are: (1) the underlying transaction between the buyer and the seller, under which the seller agrees to sell the goods to the buyer and the buyer agrees to pay to the seller the purchase price by way of a letter of credit; (2) the transaction between the buyer and the bank, under which the bank agrees to issue the letter of credit in favor of the seller and the buyer agrees to reimburse the bank for the payment made under the letter of credit plus a commission; and (3) the transaction between the bank and the seller, i.e., the letter of credit itself, under which the bank agrees to take the primary responsibility to honor the seller‘s draft provided it is accompanied by required documents specified in the letter of credit.
  Such an arrangement has a high degree of commercial utility, and in the normal course of business benefits all the parties concerned. The seller/beneficiary retains the ownership of the goods until it presents the documents to the issuer, at which time it is paid or its draft is accepted by the issuer. The seller faces almost no risk of non-payment as the credit of the issuer is substituted for that of the buyer. The buyer/applicant is, subject to the problem of fraud, assured that its money will not be released until the required documents, which not only are the evidence indicating that the seller has completed its obligation under the sales contract, but also represent the ownership of the contracted goods, are presented to the paying bank. Abuse of the system is restrained by the fact that neither the seller nor the buyer is ever in control of the goods and the money at the same time. The bank, whose business is providing services, in turn gets paid a fee. Although it may seem that the bank assumes the risk of extending credit to the buyer until reimbursed, the bank usually takes security, a pledge, over the tendered documents, and often over other assets from the buyer as general security as well.
  Standby letters of credit legally operate in the same basic framework as commercial letters of credit. A simple standby letter of credit transaction also involves three parties (the applicant, the issuer and the beneficiary) and three transactions (the underlying transaction, the application agreement and the letter of credit itself).
  However, unlike commercial letters of credit, standby letters of credit are used to provide security or indemnity to the beneficiary for the contingency of the applicant‘s defective- or non-performance. They can be used in a wide range of transactions.2 In the words of Professor Dolan:
  There are virtually no limits to the variety of transactions that the standby credit can serve. In principle, standby credits can be used in any contract where the performance of one party is executory.3
  The potential breadth of use of standby letters of credit is perhaps most strikingly demonstrated by the Canadian case of Rosen v Pullen,4 where a standby letter of credit was used to guarantee performance of a marriage promise. Nonetheless, there are some industries and transactions where standby letters of credit are used more often than in others. In particular, standby letters of credit are used, (1) in the construction industry, to protect the owner of a construction project against late performance, faulty performance or nonperformance of a contractor; (2) in the financial industry, to bolster corporate issues of commercial paper or take corporate bond issues on the long term market, as a company can take advantage of the credit rating of a reputable bank; and (3) in international sales of goods, to guarantee service to or performance of the machinery or equipment purchased.
  Although commercial letters of credit and standby letters of credit have the same "family name",5 and although in legal analysis they are of the same nature, nevertheless there are major differences between the two. First, the commercial purposes of the two kinds of letters of credit are distinctive. While the commercial letter of credit provides the beneficiary with a secure mechanism for payment due to its regular performance of a commercial obligation, the standby letter of credit is designed as a default instrument to provide security or indemnity to the beneficiary for the hopefully unlikely contingency of the applicant‘s defective- or non-performance. Because most underlying contracts are expected to be adequately performed, the issuer of the commercial letter of credit normally expects to pay, whereas the issuer of the standby letter of credit does not normally expect to pay. Secondly, while a commercial letter of credit is payable upon the presentation by the beneficiary of documents, which usually include a bill of lading and a commercial invoice, showing that it has properly performed the underlying contract, payment of a standby letter of credit is triggered by the presentation of a document attesting that the applicant has not, or has not properly, performed its obligation under the underlying contract. Thirdly, a standby letter of credit is in its most common form more risky than a commercial letter of credit. While the commercial letter of credit provides a high degree of security by requiring documents that confer title or at least evidence of shipment of apparently conforming goods which are often generated from independent third parties, the requirement for a claim under a standby letter of credit is often only a written statement by the beneficiary itself, although some standby letters of credit may require documents issued by independent third parties, such as a certificate of an engineer or a decision by a court. Therefore, the potential for sharp practice and outright fraud is far greater in the use of standby credits than it is with commercial credits. In other words, payment of a standby letter of credit may be demanded and obtained even though the contingency has not in fact occurred. If this happens, the applicant, in addition to having performed its obligation in the underlying transaction, will have to reimburse the bank that has made the payment in accordance with the terms of the credit. This kind of risk in some cases may have to be borne by the bank if the applicant is found to be insolvent.
为了加快地区经济发展速度,许多地方政府十分重视招商引资工作。通过洽谈会、招商会、产品推介会以及各种“节”为载体来达到招商引资的目的。应当肯定这一系列的招商引资活动,对于促进一方经济发展确实达到了一定的推动作用。但是,真理向前多走一步就成了谬误。通过调查研究,我们发现部分地区的招商引资工作已经变了味,出现的一些不良现象必须引进足够重视。    变味的情况    “戴高帽”  乱打“中国牌”。一些地方
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建设北部新区,是市委、市政府为实施西部大开发和应对加入世贸组织挑战而采取的一项重大战略决策。经过十年的努力,北部新区将成为我市高新技术产业基地、出口加工基地、现代工业制造基地、国家环保产业发展基地和山水园林城市风貌展示区。早日建成北部新区,对于我市优化产业结构,加快发展步伐,实现把重庆建成长江上游的经济中心的目标具有重要的意义。    一、调整部署,南北兼顾,北部新区经济开发园建设快速起步    