众所周知,数学是一门基础科学,任何一门自然科学和工程技术都离不开数学这一基础.而数学的产生和发展总是在提出问题和解决问题的过程中进行的.美国数学家哈尔莫斯(P.R.Hal mos)认为,问题是数学的心脏,数学的真正的组成部分是问题和解.著名数学家及数学教育家乔治.波利亚(G.Pol
As we all know, mathematics is a basic science, any one of the natural sciences and engineering are inseparable from the mathematics based on the mathematical generation and development always in the process of raising questions and solve the problem. PRHal mos believes that the problem is the heart of mathematics, and the real part of mathematics is problem reconciliation. Well-known mathematician and math educator George Pollias (G.Pol