水城钢铁集团公司根据GB/T24238-2009标准和用户使用要求,设计了合理的铸坯加热制度、水冷和风冷制度,并通过改造冷却风机、采用锥形辊与佳灵装置优化组合等措施,稳定生产出微观组织索氏体化率达95%、中心无网状渗碳体、抗拉强度为1 140~1 280 MPa、断面收缩率不小于30%、同圈强度极差不大于30 MPa的SWRH82B优质盘条。
According to GB / T24238-2009 standard and user requirements, Shuicheng Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. has designed reasonable slab heating system, water cooling system and air cooling system. Through the reforming of cooling fan and the combination of conical roller and Jialing unit, Stable production of the microstructure of the sorbite rate of 95%, the center without reticular cementite, the tensile strength of 1 140 ~ 1 280 MPa, the reduction of area of not less than 30%, the same ring strength is not more than 30 MPa SWRH82B quality wire rod.