Tujia diaojiao building ecological aesthetics research

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  【Abstract】: the diaojiao building is in the long-term historical and cultural accumulation of tujia, tujia characteristics architectural art. Due to historical reasons, in the phase of endangered the diaojiao building construction art has suffered severe challenge mode of inheritance, rescue and protection of important issues. Based on tujiadiaojiao building architecture and harmonious ecological environment research, study the aesthetic characteristics of tujiadiaojiao building architectural art, for tujia folklore research, to provide practical and theoretical reference basis.
  【Keywords】: the tujia culture, the diaojiao building, ecological aesthetics, nature and humanity
  1. The ecological aesthetics characteristics of tujiadiaojiao building
  (1) the irrational characteristics of let nature take its course
  The external shape of tujia local-style dwelling houses, irrational characteristics. Familiar han Chinese local-style dwelling houses, often obvious secular rational spirit and strong ethical color, and the performance of the tujia folk houses in this area is indifference, showed no clear axis and fixed position. Diaojiao building only in one side, not emphasis on symmetry, set the diaojiao building, even if both sides does not necessarily equal to the symmetrical. Thus, the facade of tujia local-style dwelling houses refraining from symmetry; Don't emphasize founder rules; Composition center consciousness is not strong, everything is let nature take its course, all reflect the irrational way of thinking and the \"rough\" technique, brings to the body combination and external modelling diversity changes.
  (2) plain and practical aesthetic characteristics
  On the building type, the diaojiao building construction owe rod bar style buildings in China. Therefore, practical living is one of the main causes of tujiadiaojiao building construction. In addition, the formation of it is associated with the environment of tujia nationality living in wuling area, damp climate, abundant rainfall, rivers, large lakes and swamps, deterioration of the environment has given rise to stem column architecture. Rod column of the diaojiao building construction, improve the living environment, tujia no longer travel around for the living problem, can make a lot of time hunting and engaged in agriculture and other activities, in order to satisfy people's demand for natural space provided favorable conditions.
  (3) the aesthetics characteristic of local materials, adjust measures to local conditions   From the point of the material of the diaojiao building, reflected the social resources of skills. In tujia areas, tree wood much more, it provides tujia to build comfortable homes with natural resources. Tujia ancestors in harsh natural conditions, make full use of natural resources, nature give the mountains give abundant timber, built a wide variety of diaojiao building.
  2. Tujia diaojiao building aesthetic connotation
  (1) the pursuit of harmony with nature of ecological aesthetics connotation
  From the diaojiao building the overall layout, it is irregular buildings, the layout of the flexible freedom, nor a certain planning, fully comply with the natural terrain, or near Cumberland outseam, or cliff house, no matter how complex terrain conditions, can be adapted to the diaojiao building. Diaojiao building ornament in the form of chic, beautiful natural environment, not only have the effect that make the finishing point, also with the surrounding environment set off with foil each other, to achieve coordination. And roofing has Chinese style tile or fir skin, these natural materials to determine the natural color of whole building, fully integrated with nature, so as to achieve building harmony with nature.
  (2) the pursuit of \"people-oriented\" ecological aesthetics connotation
  People-oriented \"is the tujiadiaojiao building harmonious viewpoint of architectural art. Since the human from the cave into the building, they stepped into the door of civilization, to the process in the true sense of culture. In order to meet the people's living needs for the purpose of tujiadiaojiao building, with the feelings of people is given priority to, give full consideration to whether people live, whether to use comfortable and practical. On the building materials and building structure, search and display its physical function adequately, a living service, give a person the sense with gentle, natural, highlighted the\" people-oriented \"building function, the function of building materials and construction environment and the characteristics of beauty. In nature, for scale, make full use of the nature and enjoy nature harmony an organic whole, embodies the\" people-oriented \"concept of a harmonious
  3. The inheritance and use of tujiadiaojiao building ecological aesthetic value
  Tujia diaojiao building culture in the face of the conflicts of modernity, is facing destruction and cut, be badly in need of rescue and protection. Diaojiao building culture is an important part of tujia culture, development and use of it, can preserve the excellent traditional culture, and can find a tujia people to revive the economy. Simply the diaojiao building as an empty shell to protect is not desirable, only actively to protect the use and transformation, can promote the sustainable development, make its progress with the new era.   Diversified era is slowly pull card, the development of science and technology, new material and technology and pioneer idea all affect and change the development of the building. This requires us using the theory of pioneers of advanced technology and new materials, technology, make the diaojiao building on another step, a hydraulic-powered tree-trimmers' buckets to sprout. In the overall feel of the existing culture for inspiration; Throughout the diaojiao building, on the basis of ecological aesthetics and place spirit, the pursuit of heterogeneity of the space, the space of the traditional architecture elements to decompose, juxtaposition, deformation and restructuring, so that the present is the modern architectural form, but the essence is geography, finally in the diaojiao building reflect the inheritance and development of regional culture
  With simple and practical, use local materials, thrift, the characteristics of \"people-oriented, harmony between man and nature\", based on the characteristics of tujiadiaojiao building architectural art aesthetic and harmonious ecological research, are not only good for rescue and protection of soil diaojiao building, but also to the inheritance and development of the region culture and art.
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以青春为纸,折一只飞机,让它带着我的梦想,飞向更广的远方,谨以此送给20岁的自己。  ——题记  当青春与梦想四个字浮现在我眼前的时候,我想我的心情是复杂的,欢喜之余也带着些许明媚的忧伤。不知为何,脑海中总会浮现这样一段话语:蝴蝶飞不过沧海,不是没了勇气,而是彼岸没了等待。曾经的我,望向彼岸,静静地勾勒出一幅幅美好的蓝图,我也坚信,即使前方路途迷茫,我依旧可以飞跃辽阔的海面到达对岸。就这样,带着期
【摘要】:作为华夏民族传统服饰的汉服,是能充分突出汉民族特征的服饰,一直具有汉民族符号和文化象征意义。汉赋作品中较多地出现了描写和表现了汉赋服饰美的篇章,这为后人了解汉服形制和发展提供了文字参考,同时艺术地再现了汉朝人成熟自信的精神气质,从一个侧面揭示了汉赋文学审美倾向的自觉性。  【关键词】:汉服;汉赋;审美;文化  当代服装的五彩斑斓与光怪陆离反映了多元化与科学化环境下主流文化与非主流文化的碰