今年1至8月份,连云港市共出口食品添加剂36 804.73吨,与去年同期相比增幅达11.90%。连云港市是全国重要的食品添加剂出口加工基地,2014年连云港市食品添加剂行业产值已占全国行业总产值的近7%。今年连云港市出口食品添加剂的目标国家和地区已达100余个,遍布全球五大洲。今年连云港市从事食品添加剂出口加工生产的企业有23家,企业总数较去年同期有所增长。在货物价格方面,由于受人民币贬值的影响,今年出口
From January to August this year, Lianyungang exported a total of 36 804.73 tons of food additives, an increase of 11.90% over the same period of last year. Lianyungang City is an important food additive export processing base in the country. In 2014, the output value of food additive industry in Lianyungang accounted for nearly 7% of the national total. Lianyungang City this year, the export of food additives target countries and regions has reached more than 100, spread across five continents. This year, Lianyungang City engaged in the export processing of food additives, there are 23 enterprises, the total number of enterprises increased over the same period last year. In the price of goods, due to the devaluation of the renminbi, exports this year