With the advent of the socialist transformation and the climax of the construction of socialism, the CPC Central Committee has put forward the slogan of marching toward science and demanded that the most urgent scientific and technological departments in our country approach the advanced world level in about 12 years so as to achieve social fulfillment The purpose of the construction ofism. To develop scientific research and expand scientific training to achieve scientific progress plan, we must create the conditions for scientists to make full use of archival material. In his report on the problem of intellectuals, Comrade Chou En-lai emphasized in his report: “In order to realize the plan to march into science, we must prepare all the necessary conditions for the development of scientific research, and it is of prime importance here that scientists be given the necessary Books, archives, technical information and other working conditions. ” To develop science, we must develop the archives work. Without archives and without archives, science can not move forward smoothly. along with