Love Is in My Family

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  The best and most beautiful thing in the world cannot be seen or even touched. It must be felt with the heart and that is love. The world is filled with love here and there. Love is from society. Love is from strangers. Love is from family and parents. I have a happy family.Althongh it’s small,it’s full of love.
  There are three people in my family. They are my father,my morther and I. We all love each other. My father is a professor of Heilongjiang University. He teaches Russian. He loves his work and his students.He is strict with his students but kind to them. He is not only a teacher but also a friend of students. In his spare time,he likes reading and writing. My mother is an editor. She is very beautiful. I like her internal beauty of spirit better. Her knowledge is very rich. She is always busy with housework at home. She is good at cooking. She cooks meals for us every day. We all like traveling. We spent most of our holiday going out. My parents give me life. They love me and take good care of me. They teach me how to be a good girl. They often encourage me to study hard. I will try my best to realize my dream.
若缘分真的妙不可言,“天下没有不散的筵席”是否仍然会出现?也许就在那天,我们失散在人群里。所以我只能对着流淌的岁月说:“如果我们真的分开,我希望有一天,能够再次相见。”  曾几何时,欢快地交谈,畅想着美好的未来……悲伤地说着,明天再见;曾几何时,总是一起埋怨着堆积的作业,过后又不顾一切地玩耍。那时,就像永远不会分开一样等待明天,就像永远不会离开一样度过少年。  时间总是过得很快,转眼间我们已分开一
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Hi, I’m Dennis. Today I’m going to make a plan for my future. In 20 years,I think I’ll be a doctor. I will live in Harbin,because there are many famous hospitals . As a doctor, I think I will save man