This article investigated the prevalence and risk factors of chronic esophagitis in 15 to 26-year-old people in Mengzhuang Town, Huixian County, a high incidence area of esophageal cancer. A total of 538 subjects who underwent endoscopic and mucosal biopsy examinations were investigated for known or suspected risk factors and histopathological diagnosis. In a multivariate case-control analysis, comparisons were made between mild and moderate esophagitis and controls (normal and very mild esophageal inflammation). The prevalence of mild to moderate esophagitis was positively associated with overheated diets, history of siblings (siblings) and family members of esophageal cancers. However, it was negatively correlated with the amount of fresh fruit and staple wheat. In a single factor analysis, esophagitis was associated with oral leukoplakia and seborrheic dermatitis, which may be related to common harmful factors such as smoking and nutritional deficiencies. The results of the survey indicate that the risk factors and nutritional deficiencies in the early life cycle of exposure to the living environment are the causes of weakened esophageal and esophageal epithelial protective function, and may be the predisposing conditions for esophageal cancer.