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什么是设计人类通过器物维持生活,器物给人类生活带来形体。什么是器物呢?按照文化人类学的定义:“器物是人类为了扩大自身能力而创造出来的全部人工产品”,是人类为了更安全、更舒适、更愉快地生活而创造出来的物体。所谓“设计”(design)就是通过器物的形态和形体实现人类的愿望,尤其是指人们在制造器物前的准备工作。人类需要保护自身的安全,追求丰富多彩舒适愉快的生活,渴望高级的精神生活。这些需要,追求、向往和渴望是人类心中产生 What is the design of human life through utensils, utensils bring shape to human life. What is an object? According to the definition of cultural anthropology: “Utensils are all man-made products created by human beings to expand their own capabilities” and are objects created by human beings for safer, more comfortable and happier lives. The so-called “design” is the realization of human wishes through the form and shape of objects, especially the preparations before making artifacts. Human beings need to protect their own security, the pursuit of a colorful and comfortable life, longing for a high spiritual life. These needs, aspirations, aspirations and aspirations are generated in human minds