“革命政府”胎死腹中 几个月来,苏联一直在积极策反捷克的“健康力量”。1968年8月6日,苏共中央政治局又自编、自导、自唱,草拟了所谓“捷共中央主席团和捷克共和国政府宣言”,声称:国家面临反革命战争威胁,请求苏联和其他兄弟国家派军队,帮助镇压反革命,重建“革命政府”?
“Revolutionary government” stillborn In the past few months, the Soviet Union has been actively counterattacking the “health force” of the Czech Republic. On August 6, 1968, the Central Political Bureau of the CPSU wrote another piece of self-directed and self-proclaimed speech drafting the so-called “Declaration of the Central Government Bureau of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Czech Republic,” claiming that the country faces the threat of counter-revolutionary war and requests the Soviet Union and other brothers Did the country send its troops to help repress the counter-revolution and rebuild the “revolutionary government?”