Experimental study of temperature effect on the growth and collapse of cavitation bubbles near a rig

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The effect of temperature on the dynamics of a laser-induced cavitation bubble is studied experimentally. The growth and collapse of the cavitation bubble are measured by two sensitive fiber-optic sensors based on optical beam deflection (OBD). Cavitation bubble tests are performed in water at different temperatures, and the temperature ranges from freezing point (0 °C) to near boiling point. The results indicate that both the maximum bubble radius and bubble lifetime are increased with the increase of temperature. During the stage of bubble rapidly collapsing in the vicinity of a solid surface, besides laser ablation effect, both the first and second liquid-jet-induced impulses are also observed. They are both increased with liquid temperature increasing, and then reach a peak, followed by a decrease. The peak appears at the temperature which is approximately the average of freezing and boiling points. The mechanism of liquid temperature influence on cavitation erosion is also discussed.
提出了一种新的基于野外实测光谱统计分析的蚀变矿物填图方法。 该方法首先对野外测量得到的大量样本光谱数据进行聚类处理, 从光谱的整体特征上将不同类型的样本区分开。 第二步对各聚类结果中不同蚀变矿物分别建立其各自的判别函数。 第三步在遥感影像上按照聚类得到的参考光谱分别进行大蚀变类的划分, 最后在此基础上采用第二步得到的各蚀变类型的判别函数进行蚀变矿物的细化填图, 得到最终的填图结果。 该方法充分考虑了不同蚀变类型及蚀变组合的地区差异性, 建立的蚀变矿物的判别函数更具有科学性, 并且填图结果可在一定程度上进行
为了获得满足2 μm相干多普勒激光雷达使用的激光光源,进行了注入锁定固体激光器的实验研究。种子激光器采用双端镀腔膜的Tm,Ho:YLF微片晶体,在低温液氮环境下,获得单纵模稳频激光输出。从激光器采用有利于单纵模运转的环形腔结构,并利用熔融石英声光调Q获得脉冲输出。通过注入锁定,实验获得激光输出波长为2.067 μm,在重复频率大于20 Hz时,激光器的最终单脉冲输出能量2 mJ,脉冲宽度为146 ns。实验论证了注入锁定系统激光器作为雷达光源的可行性,并理论分析了种子注入时环形腔内的初始光场分布。
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瑞利多普勒激光雷达可对平流层和中间层大气的水平风速和温度进行连续观测。中国科学技术大学最新研制的瑞利测风测温激光雷达增加了多普勒频率校准装置,可实现对晴空天气下15~70 km大气的水平风速和温度的高精度观测。分析了该激光雷达系统2018年9~10月在我国西北部地区的水平风速和温度连续观测数据,通过提取风速和温度扰动、频谱分析、重力波模型参数拟合及Hodograph分析,计算重力波的垂直波长、固有周期、水平和垂直传播方向等参数。从224 h的观测数据中共计提取到重力波384个波次。在这些重力波事件中,53
依据RTP调Q与窄脉宽理论, 设计了一种高重频、窄脉宽、RTP电光调Q的激光器。分别采用两种不同的LD直接端面泵浦构型, 在1kHz重频下, 既可以获得光束质量良好、小光斑、0.75mJ的动态激光输出, 又能获得光斑较大、5.78mJ的大能量激光输出。两种LD泵浦构型的光光转化效率皆在20%以上。在物理腔长为60mm、调Q上升沿宽度小于10ns的情况下, 获得5.76ns脉宽的激光输出。改变腔长, 获得了不同腔长的脉冲宽度的变化曲线, 经理论仿真与实测数据对比两者一致。在单程增益系数一定时, 随着腔长的增
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