17、1 8世纪在欧洲的天主教文化和儒家学派的交往中 ,围绕着“礼仪之争”的问题 ,欧洲的文化视野逐渐形成了三个孔子形象 ,即天主教圣徒孔子、苏格拉底孔子和斯宾诺莎孔子。三个不同的孔子形象是欧洲文化在“以己度人”的视角下 ,在不同的时间段中形成。它们可以反映 1 7、1 8世纪欧洲思想从天主教神性走向启蒙理性的脉路。我们从中能感受到不同文化交流中的一些较深层的内容
In the 18th and 18th centuries, in the interaction between Catholic culture and Confucianism in Europe, around the issue of “ceremonies of ceremonies and ceremonies,” three cultural images of Confucius were gradually formed in Europe, namely the Catholic Saints Confucius, Socrates Confucius and Confucius Spinoza Confucius. The three different images of Confucius are formed in different time periods from the perspective of “taking care of themselves” from the perspective of European culture. They reflect the passage of European ideas from Catholicism to Enlightenment in 17th, 18th and 18th centuries. From here we can feel some of the deeper aspects of different cultural exchanges