据全苏玉米科学研究所植物病理实验室的研究,机械因子和生理因子是玉米抗瘤黑粉病的内在因素。所谓机械因子抗性是指作物的某种形态结构能在一定程度上阻止病原物对茎生长点的侵入;生理因子抗性是指作物对侵入的病原物的反应,这种抗性反应在病原物感染果穗时尤为明显。 1978—1980年,我们鉴定了约100个杂交组合对瘤黑粉病的抗性。用0.05%病原孢子悬浮液喷雾两次鉴定总抗性,用0.2%病原孢子悬浮液按每株2毫升注射果穗鉴定生理抗性。结果有25.2%的杂交种的总抗性表现出高抗,如“第聂伯425TB”、第聂伯290号”、“先锋3978”、“光300M”、“礼炮”等等,有14%的杂交种属于低抗类型(发病株率6—21.1%)。其生理
According to the research institute of plant pathology in All-Su-Ma Institute of Science, mechanical factors and physiological factors are the internal factors of maize antitumor powdery mildew. The so-called mechanical resistance refers to a certain morphological structure of the crop to a certain extent, to prevent the invasion of pathogens on the point of stem growth; physiological resistance refers to the response of crops to invasive pathogens, this resistance in the pathogen Especially infected ear when the obvious. From 1978 to 1980, we identified about 100 hybrid combinations for resistance to gilt disease. Total resistance was identified by spraying twice with 0.05% pathogen spore suspension, and physiological resistance was identified with 2 ml injection ear per plant with 0.2% pathogen spore suspension. As a result, 25.2% of the hybrids showed high resistance to total resistance such as “Dnepr 425TB”, Dnepr 290, “Pioneer 3978,” “Light 300M,” “Salute” Of the hybrids belong to the low resistance type (the incidence rate of 6-21.1%), its physiology