商场犹如战场。在商业竞争中,有竞争,就会有挫折、失败,失败在所难免,谁也不敢称自己是“常胜将军”。然而面对失败,有的经营者惊慌失措,以致越败越惨,而有的经营者冷静思考,镇定自若,利用种种谋略,变危机为良机,反败为胜,走出山重水复困境,出现柳暗花明胜景。 高瞻远瞩 否极泰来 信息,自古以来,就与生意兴隆密不可分,市场竞争越是激烈,信息作用就越显得重要。一位高明的经营者,往往站在很高的高度,透过种种迷惘和万种现象,掌握信息,往往出现反败为胜,否极泰来的局面。 “橡胶大王”陈嘉庚在20年代初,已拥有橡胶园5000英亩。这时,一个巨大的逆浪向他冲击而来,一时间,胶园遍布南洋,产量大幅度增加,市场供过于求,价
The mall is like a battlefield. In the commercial competition, if there is competition, there will be setbacks and failures. The failure is inevitable. No one dares to claim that he is a “general winner.” However, in the face of failure, some operators panicked, resulting in even worse defeat, and some operators calmly thinking, calm, use all kinds of strategies, change the crisis into opportunities, counter defeat to victory, get out of the hill to recover the hardships, there is a bright future. Looking Far-sighted Far-sighted information from the ancient times, with the prosperity of business is inseparable, the more fierce market competition, the more important the role of information. A clever operator often stands at a very high level. Through all kinds of confusion and tens of thousands of phenomena, the mastery of information tends to lead to a defeat or victory. In the early 1920s, “Rubber King” Tan Kah Kee had a 5,000-acre rubber garden. At this time, a huge counter wave hit him. For a time, the rubber garden spread all over Nanyang, and the output increased dramatically. The market was oversupply.