目的 分析2015-2017年广州市手足口病流行病学特征, 为手足口病防控提供参考依据.方法 采用描述性流行病学方法对2015-2017年广州市手足口病发病相关信息进行统计分析.结果 2015-2017年广州市共报告201291例手足口病病例, 年均发病率为496. 93/10万, 重症病例6例, 死亡病例1例.男女发病比例为1. 55:1.全年均有病例报告, 发病高峰在5~7月 (98 280例, 占48. 82%), 9~10月为第2个发病小高峰 (49 548例, 占24. 62%) .5岁以下儿童为主要发病人群 (181 300例, 占90. 08%), 其中散发儿童最多 (155 428例, 占77. 22%) .实验室确诊病例以其他肠道病毒引起的病例为主 (5 604例, 占74. 96%), 2017年EV 71病毒比例有所上升 (604例, 占29. 12%) .结论 手足口病夏秋季为发病高峰, 5岁以下儿童为防控重点, 由于EV 71型病毒较活跃, 医疗机构应加强重症病例的早期诊断与救治, 疾控部门应拓宽渠道, 加强手足口病防治知识宣传教育.“,”Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) from 2015 to 2017 and provide evidence for HFMD prevention and control. Methods Descriptive epidemiological method was used to statistically analyze the reported data of HFMD in Guangzhou City from 2015 to 2017. Results From 2015 to 2017, a total of 201 291 HFMD cases were reported in Guangzhou, with an average annual incidence rate of 496. 93/100 000, including 6 severe cases and 1 death case. The sex ratio of male to female was 1. 55: 1. Case reports were reported throughout the year. The two incidence peaks were from May to July (98 280 cases, accounting for 48. 82%) and from September to October (49 548 cases, accounting for 24. 62%). Most of the HFMD cases (181 300 cases, 90. 08%) were below 5 years old, which mainly came from scattered children (155 428 cases, 77. 22%). Other intestinal virus, with the positive rate of 74. 96% (5 604 cases), was predominated in the experimental confirmed cases, but the cases of EV 71 virus cases were increased to 604 with the positive rate of29. 12% in 2017. Conclusion The incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease peaked in summer and autumn. Children below 5 years old were the main group for the prevention and control. Due to the active EV 71 virus, medical institutions should reinforce the ability to detect and cure the severe illness. The CDC should try more ways to strengthen health education.