一、鳗鱼的生态习性鳗鱼有16个种,其中有3个种分别有两个亚种。因此,可以说鳗鱼共有19个种。但在亚洲北部(包括中国、日本、朝鲜)只有2个种:日本鳗鲡 Anguilla Japomica 和 Auguillamormorate。日本鳗鲡的养殖技术较为成熟。日本鳗鲡的分布很广,从海南岛南部,至台湾东部直至日本的北部。鳗鱼是—种洄游性鱼类,仔鱼上溯河流进入内陆,在此过程中,体色变成黑色。仔鱼活动性很强,在
First, the ecological habits of eel Eel has 16 species, of which 3 species have two subspecies. Therefore, we can say there are 19 species of eel. However, there are only two species in northern Asia (including China, Japan and North Korea): Anguilla Japomica and Auguillamormorate. Japanese eel farming technology is more mature. Japan’s eels are widely distributed, from southern Hainan to eastern Taiwan to northern Japan. Eel is a kind of migratory fish, lariva upstream river into the interior, in the process, the body color turns black. Luna very active in