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In order to examine the severity of reflux esophagitis and the methods of manometry and 24 hour ambulatory pHmonitoring, 100 gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients were examined. The results were compared with acontrol group which consisted of 30 healthy individuals. Endoscopy was performed, and esophageal mucosa biopsieswere taken in all patients. Esophageal manometry was recorded using a four tune water perfused system. The severi-ty of esophagitis, determined by both endoscopy and histology, was related to the amplitude of esophageal perista1ticwaves, in partictilar the cardioesophageal sphincter (CES) dysfunction (P < 0. 01), 24 hour reflux total score. Wehave concluded that the severity of reflux esophagitis is related to the duration of reflux, which in turn is associatedwith the impairment of esophageal body motility and CES dysfunction. In order to examine the severity of reflux esophagitis and the methods of manometry and 24 hour ambulatory pHmonitoring, 100 gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients were examined. The results were compared with acontrol group consisted of 30 healthy individuals. Endoscopy was performed, and The severi-ty of esophagitis, determined by both endoscopy and histology, was related to the amplitude of esophageal perista1ticwaves, in partictilar the cardioesophageal sphincter (CES Wehave concluded that the severity of reflux esophagitis is related to the duration of reflux, which in turn is associated with the impairment of esophageal body motility and CES dysfunction.
按照1978年6月国务院颁布的《关于工人退休、退职暂行办法》和《关于安置老弱病残干部的暂行办法》(国发[1978]104号)规定,职工退休的条件是: According to the Interim Me
新春伊始,海南省公安消防总队机关及基层单位张灯结彩,一派欢庆气氛,迎来了各级党委政府和公安机关对消防官兵的关心、慰问和祝愿。 1月22日下午,海南省省委副书记、省纪委
30年前设计了 Internet 基本结构的互联网之父Vinton Cerf 尽管身兼数职,但仍对未来的 Internet 世界充满憧憬。在他的视野中,语音通信、IPv6、宽带接入、移动定位等技术将