
来源 :新课程(中学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tatimess
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目前,我国新课程改革正在不断深入,为了满足新课程改革对课堂教学模式的需要,各个教学阶段的课堂均朝着以学生发展为主体的开放式教学模式发展。在高中化学教学过程中教师对新课程标准的要求有着一定的理解和认识,但是由于传统教学观念和方法根深蒂固的影响,大多数高中化学教师并没有掌握新课改的精髓,在高中化学教学中依然存在学生主体地位无法发挥,学生缺少亲手实验的机会以及课堂教学手段单一等诸多的问题,对高中化学教学质量的提升产生了一定的影响,因此,就应该分析针对性的改进策略。 At present, the new curriculum reform in our country is deepening constantly. In order to meet the need of the new curriculum reform in the classroom teaching mode, the classrooms in all teaching stages are developing toward the open teaching mode with the student development as the main body. However, due to the deep-rooted influence of traditional teaching concepts and methods, most high school chemistry teachers did not grasp the essence of the new curriculum reform. In high school chemistry teaching There are still many problems such as the inability of students to play a dominant role, the lack of hands-on experiments by students and the singleness of classroom teaching methods. These problems have an impact on the improvement of chemistry teaching in senior high schools. Therefore, we should analyze the targeted improvement strategies.
作为一名数学教师,我一直在为如何让学生学会学习、学会合作,促进有效学习努力探索,使学生具备可持续发展的能力;基于上述认识,本论题重点研究如何指导学生在课堂及课后自主互助学习促进有效学习数学的策略和途径。下面谈谈我运用自主互助模式促进有效数学学习初探策略与实践。  一、激发学习动机,使学生乐于自主互助学习  1 思想动员,吸引学生参与。我坚信:每个学生都蕴藏着独立学习的巨大潜能。正如苏霍姆林斯基所说