今年初 ,中国证监会和深圳市政府发布联合公告对南方证券予以行政接管。这一举措得到了市场的普遍赞许。行政接管是金融监督管理部门依法对经营有严重问题(如严重违规经营、资不抵债、无力支付等)的金融机构强行介入 ,接收和管制其债权债务和业务经营 ,防止其资产质量和业务经?
Earlier this year, China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Municipal Government issued a joint announcement to take over the administration of Nanfang Securities. This move has been generally praised the market. Administrative takeover is a financial institution that the financial supervision and administration department legally exercises serious problems in its operation (such as serious illegal operation, insolvency, inability to pay, etc.) to intervene, receive and control its claims, debts and business operations in a precautionary manner to prevent its asset quality and operation ?