临床资料患者,男,25岁,误食观赏植物滴水观音10min 后嘴唇麻胀、咽喉疼痛、呼吸困难及持续流涎及呼吸急促而于2006年7月25日来院就诊。患者在咖啡店工作,盆景修剪时与他人打赌而生食约5克滴水观音块状茎,吞咽下少许植物汁液。查体:神志清,痛苦状,体温36.8℃,血压130/80mmHg,脉搏85次/min,呼吸35次/min,持续流涎,腹平软,上腹压痛。血、尿常规正常.肝肾功能正常。诊断:观赏植物滴水观音中毒。治疗:立即吸氧,大量补液及地塞米松、维生素 C、10%葡萄糖酸钙抗过敏和利尿治疗,同时配制地塞米松+维生素 C+10%葡萄糖酸钙液体让病人含漱,静脉补液。第2天症状减轻,继续补液及对症治疗,症状消失后离院,一周后随诊无任何不适。
Clinical data Patients, male, 25 years old, eating ornamental plants dripping Guanyin 10 minutes after the lips swollen, sore throat, difficulty breathing and persistent salivation and shortness of breath came in July 25, 2006 hospital. Patient working at a coffee shop, betting on others while pruning a bonsai, raw about 5 grams drip Guanyin tuberous, swallow a little plant juice. Examination: conscious, pain-like, body temperature 36.8 ℃, blood pressure 130 / 80mmHg, pulse 85 beats / min, breathing 35 beats / min, sustained salivation, abdominal soft, abdominal tenderness. Blood, urine routine normal liver and kidney function is normal. Diagnosis: Ornamental plant drip Guanyin poisoning. Treatment: Immediate oxygen inhalation, a large number of fluid and dexamethasone, vitamin C, 10% calcium gluconate anti-allergy and diuretic treatment, while dexamethasone + vitamin C + 10% calcium gluconate solution for patients rinse, intravenous rehydration. Symptoms were relieved on the second day, continued rehydration and symptomatic treatment, the symptoms disappeared after leaving the hospital, followed up for a week without any discomfort.