众所周知,二次世界大战后,有两样东西变得坚韧了。一个是袜子,二战以后,尼龙袜子的问世,人大延长了袜子的合用寿命,使袜子变得异常坚韧;另一个是女性,二战中,女性走出家庭,承担社会生产,忍受失去亲人的苦痛,在精神和体力的超负荷承载中,历尽艰难,战争给了妇女参与社会经济活动的机会,妇女在社会实践中积累了经验,取得了立足于社会的能力、资本和信心,战争最终给了妇女改变命运的契机,二战后,女性变得异常坚韧了。 为什么小农时代的无数次战争没有改变妇女的地位,工业化时代的二次世界大战却改变了妇女的地位?这与妇女在不同的社会结构中所处的经
As we all know, after the Second World War, two things became tough. One is a sock, after the World War II, the advent of nylon socks, the NPC extended the useful life of socks, so socks become extremely tough; the other is a woman, World War II, women out of the family, take social production, endure the pain of losing loved ones in Mental and physical overburden, the struggle has given women the opportunity to participate in socio-economic activities. Women have accumulated experience in social practice and have gained the basis for social competence, capital and confidence. The war eventually changed women The fate of the opportunity, after World War II, women became unusually tenacious. Why did countless wars in the smallholder age not change the status of women? The Second World War in the industrialized era changed the status of women, which was different from that of women in different social structures