有人问:“一个人平生最大的幸福是什么”?永丰县龙冈畲族乡广播电视站站长范敦发的回答是:“奉献,给人快乐、欢心,就是他最大的幸福。” 在改革开放的今天,广播电视传播新闻、科学知识、文化艺术是畲乡农民渴望已久的东西。1997年以前,由于
Someone asked: “What is the greatest happiness of a person in his life?” The reply of Van Duffy, director of Longgang She Nationality TV Station in Yongfeng County, is: “Dedication, joy and happiness are his greatest happiness.” During the reform and opening up Today, radio and television broadcasting news, scientific knowledge and culture and art are the things longing for the peasants in She Township. Before 1997, due