杭州市国土资源局 2003年底,杭州市政府建立了以杨戌标副市长为组长、何荣坤副秘书长和国土资源局储根荣局长为副组长的矿山自然生态环境保护和治理联席会议制度,下发了《关于进一步加强矿山自然生态环境保护和治理工作的实施意见》。根据“实施意见”要求,今年要完成各县(市)和萧山、余杭区矿山生态环境保护和治理专项规划或方案的编制并认真组织实施。首先对铁路和主要公路沿线、千岛湖
Hangzhou Land and Resources Bureau By the end of 2003, the Hangzhou municipal government established a joint conference system for the protection and management of natural environment of mines under the leadership of Deputy Mayor Yang Xubiao, Deputy Secretary-General He Rongkun and Secretary Chu Genrong of the Bureau of Land and Resources The “Opinions on Further Strengthening the Protection and Management of Natural Ecological Environment in Mines”. According to the requirements of the “Opinions on Implementation”, this year we will complete the formulation of the special plans or plans for mine ecological environment protection and governance in all counties (cities) and Xiaoshan and Yuhang districts and conscientiously organize the implementation. First on the railway and along the main highway, Thousand Island Lake